Thank you for your interest in joining Executive Women in Finance!

Full Member Qualifications
Significant experience* in the financial industry, including chief financial officers, treasurers, commercial and investment bankers, attorneys, CPAs, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs representing both national and local organizations. We aim to reflect a wide range of executive-level positions in the finance profession.
Annual Dues: $375
*At least five years of experience within the finance industry.
Associate Member Qualifications
Associate Members are those with less than five years of experience in the financial industry and/or working towards a graduate degree in the field. These members are not eligible to vote, however, one Associate Member will be appointed to serve as a Board Liaison, and may attend one board meeting per quarter (at the discretion of the board). Associate Members may serve on a committee, but may not hold a committee chair position. This category is limited to 10% of the total membership base.
Annual Dues: $250
Civic Member Qualifications
Civic Members are those who are currently employed in local or regional government, other public agencies, universities or other educational institutions or non-for-profit organizations, as determined by the board of directors.
Annual Dues: $250
Retiree Member Qualifications
Any person who was a former member of Executive Women in Finance preceding their retirement and/or has significant experience (not less than five years) in the financial industry preceding their retirement. Retiree Members have full voting rights, and may serve on and/or chair a committee.
Annual Dues: $250
Join EWF
Executive Women in Finance’s success and growth is due, in part, to our commitment to the organization’s mission, values, and standards of business ethics. While a variety of opportunities are provided for business development to our members, overt solicitation, use of the membership directory for business development or marketing, or sharing of member information with non-members without the prior approval of the board of directors is strictly prohibited.
EWF membership is approved based on an individuals’ personal area of expertise, experience, seniority level, etc. These are qualifications specific to the person. Memberships are therefore not transferrable, in any scenario, to another individual, within (or outside of) their company. Furthermore, memberships are non-refundable and expire at the end of the calendar year. If the applicant’s company is funding the membership dues, the applicant must confirm that this policy has been communicated to, and approved by, the proper company representative.